My Branch of the Richfords has its roots in South-East and East London back to the 1600's. My immediate Richford ancestors lived in Deptford (formerly part of Kent and Surrey) situated on the southern bank of the River Thames. Their ancestors also appear to have lived in Deptford originating from the Stepney /Ratcliffe areas across the other side of the river. Both locations (Deptford and Stepney) have obvious links with the river which resulted in a number of related occupations occurring in the family (shipwrights, ropemakers etc). From our nucleus in London I know of direct family links to Norfolk and Cambridge. What isn't clear to me (help!!) is whether our branch is linked to the other "concentrations" and branches of Richfords that occur in Kent (Isle of Thanet)/ Sussex, Cambridge/Huntingdon, and Scotland. If you're a Richford, do you know where your ancestors originate from? Any information you might have would help me piece together the various branches and stragglers scattered around the UK and the rest of the world. Thanks, Kevin Jennings - London, England, Dec 2014 |
William Richford and Hannah Beswick (Grt Grandparents) at the wedding of their son Arthur ("Tig") to Lillian Denton c1915